Awarded in PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris
5 years ago, I endured a gruelling 30 hrs crossing of the Pacific Ocean from Costa Rica to arrive in Cocos Island. The travelling was tough, but it was one of my most memorable diving expeditions. The marine ecosystem was locked in a time-capsule and everything was huge; from the underwater currents to the biodensity of marine life. In one dive, we found a giant school of horse-eyed jack fish
that stretched 25 meters high. As my buddy and I approached, a predator must have spooked the school from the other side. The massive school suddenly darted towards us and before we knew it, we were engulfed in this storm of silvery fish.
I am very pleased to be informed that the image I shot, titled ‘Rush Hour’, received 'Gold', in the Underwater category, and 'Bronze' in the Nature category, of the 12th PX3 Paris Photography Prize competition. There is a winner’s exhibition at the Espace Beaurepaire in Paris from 10-14 July. With a bit of luck, this image may be curated at the exhibition.
At the same time, the image 'Fiery Skies', shot in Cuba of silky sharks during sunset received 'Silver'.